Birth of a Book

by Kristin Morrison on December 10, 2010

in Creativity,Writing


I don’t usually write about my work on this blog but since this is a big deal for me…

With the help of my ghostwriter/editor, I just finished the final, final edits for my book!

I’m so excited!

I still have to finish the design formatting for the ebook and softcover layout but that requires more visual attention and less brain power so that will be a fun process.

Unexpected movement is happening since people and organizations have found out that my book will be out soon.  I’ve had 40 people preorder my book and a few days ago an online business association asked me to speak at their teleconference in January. Yesterday, I got an email from a trade organization in Georgia that wants me to lead a teleconference next year. I’ll be leading two teleconferences for another organization in 2011.

I’ve been in a flurry of activity lately and my spirit is satisfied with all that I’ve accomplished the last couple of months and excitedly anticipating what is to come yet I’ve also been very tired.

My spirit is more than a bit weary right now.

I’ve been doing, doing and not ‘being’ much lately.

With all the recent activity and accomplishing (lots of other projects in addition to the book), it’s been so challenging to be still in between all the mental and physical movement.

I haven’t figured out how to slow down after having life so be fast-paced. I’ve been going 100 miles per hour.

I have found myself breathing from my chest instead of my belly. (If I find myself consciously breathing at all!)

I’m looking at how to get back to that ever-elusive place of balance.

How do YOU get into balance after a flurry of activity? Feel free to email me privately or leave a comment below.

I’d love to hear what you do to get back to your center.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

sheira December 11, 2010 at 1:26 am

hi kristin, so inspiring and i love the cover.

mazel tov! to get back in balance, i think the key is to give yourself permission to goof off. once you have the permission, you will know what to do to get back in balance.
love, sheira

alex December 11, 2010 at 4:19 am

Ask yourself “Who wishes to get back to what?”

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