Bali Sandwich

by Kristin Morrison on January 5, 2010

in Adventure,Bali,Life as a Grand Adventure,Travel


In 22 days I’ll be heading to Bali.

I just got back from my New Years retreat in Santa Cruz and have a massive to do list before I leave on January 26. Today I decided to extend my trip for an extra two weeks so I will be gone for two and half months! Wow.

I’m thinking back to that fateful conversation about travel that hot August day in Peter’s peaceful office…with his great questions…gently probing me with words to get me to my truth around my desire to travel…and now here I am. Getting ready for my trip.

Amazing how one decision six months ago can create a new adventure like this.

Things are falling into place. I found a subleaser to rent my house for two and half months. She gave me the deposit last week and tonight she gave me the balance for the rent. She’s got great energy and I’m excited to have her stay here and experience the healing energy of my tranquil, retreat-like home.

My managers are stepping in to manage my business with such love, caring and an excitement for my going away. I cried at our business meeting last week and thanked them for their steadfast support around my trip. It was an unusual business meeting. It was beautiful.

We all got a little teary.

I’m nervous and excited. Going away for two and half months feels like a bit of a dream right now. Surreal.

I’ll be in Bali for 2 weeks, then India for 5 weeks,  then back to Bali for 3 weeks.

A Bali sandwich.

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Bari Tessler-Linden January 6, 2010 at 12:50 pm

I am a brand new reader of your wonderful blog. I am thrilled that you are about to live and experience a real life dream. And, I love how you are setting everything up (with the support of you business team) to continue while you are traveling. It is inspiring and great to see!

Jon January 6, 2010 at 5:25 pm

Wow, indeed!! Thanks for continuing to be a GRAND inspiration, Kristin. We are Blessed.

Kristin Morrison January 9, 2010 at 6:50 pm

Bari-I’m so glad you found my blog. Welcome!

Jon-thanks for all your comments to my blog posts. It feels good to read them. I appreciate you and your support in my life.

Lee Doyle January 22, 2010 at 4:30 pm

I want to be just like you when I grow up. Love your blog. Keep it coming.

Kristin Morrison January 22, 2010 at 5:14 pm

I was thinking the very same thing about you awhile back, you novelist you!
So proud of you and your works of art. I can say I knew you when…

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