Pick a picture, any picture

by Kristin Morrison on October 14, 2009

in Adventure,Friendship,Letting Go

I’ve been yearning to write a blog post again that is NOT travel related since travel and preparing to leave have been so much on my mind lately.

I want my life to be balanced and not all about travel while I’m still here.

Tonight I decided to pick a picture, any picture from the stock photo site and to write something about the very first photo I saw.

Wow, what a picture, eh?

Though I am a woman: just for a minute imagine that I’m a guy. I’m the headless guy in the picture.

Are you imagining it?

Okay, well, see that head that is closest to you? The one where the jowls are hanging and he looks like he just had a root canal?

That would be the head I took out of my closet and put on this morning.

I woke up to a stormy, rainy day (which I love) and to a dripping ceiling in my kitchen and a huge pond in my kitchen that I stepped in with my socks first thing in the morning.

A little while later I proceeded to send one mass email to my clients (all 650 of them) and instead of sending one email, I somehow sent 25 emails to all 650 clients. At least that was the email count at 10:25pm. I think more emails are still being sent to them as I write this. Why would they stop now? They’ve been going all day. AGGGGHHHH.

So all day long I was getting emails back from my clients saying, “Kristin, you’ve sent me 5 (or 7, or 10 or 12) emails, please stop!” (Some responses were much, much, much ruder than that. Ouch.)

Little did my clients know: they’d be getting 25+ emails from me before the day was over.

I decided to let them know I was aware of the problem and sent them a mass email apologizing for all the emails.

Bad idea.

They even got multiples of my “I’m sorry you got multiple emails from me” email.

Oh my. Writing that sentence just made me laugh. First time I’ve laughed today and man, does it feel GOOD.

Having clients receive multiple emails may not sound like a big deal but with 650+ clients I was (and still am) fielding hundreds of emails from panicked, angry, amused, annoyed, sweet clients. What a mix of emotion there was in my email box. And I’m sure I’ll wake up to more of it tomorrow.

After that email excitement happened I put on the face that is closest to the hand. The one that the finger is pointing to.

I feel like I have a bit of PTSD after the whole email fiasco. I’m only half joking. I’m considering hiring someone from Elance to field my emails tomorrow. Whatever amount of money I’d have to pay would be worth it, I’m sure.

Barb surprised me by showing up at my house tonight. We had tea and chatted about life tonight which was absolutely perfect after this day.

After she left I ate a nice pizza (Amy’s) and am now mostly happy and peaceful writing in my blog.

The face I’ve got on now is the one on the bottom shelf.

Tomorrow is a new day.

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